Why Should You Attend BCICTS?
Networking: There are numerous formal and informal networking opportunities throughout the week designed to help you connect with fellow members of BCICTS community.
Education: Explore current best practice principles, recent tools, and techniques. Learn about cutting-edge theories and practice from around the world. Attend and participate in stimulating and thought-provoking discussions.
Intimate Opportunity to meet with Exhibiting Companies: Discover the latest trends and advancements in materials, devices, components, design and test solutions, and services.
Registration Options: In addition to the conference, we also offer training courses, technical sessions, and topic-specific workshops.
Paper Submission at a Future BCICTS: Observe technical presentations and consider submitting a paper for your peers at a future IMS.
How to Justify Your Attendance?
- Explore all the options for technical sessions and courses available and make a list of all the classes that align with your current objectives.
- Create a sample agenda to display to your organization that your time will be used wisely.
- Make a list of all the exhibitors that you wish to meet and discuss how relationships with these companies could be beneficial to your organization.
- Outline a few overarching objectives that you hope to fulfill at BCICT 2025.
- Articulate how your attendance to IMS can benefit your current goals.
Positives for Company:
- Independent means to benchmark against best-in-class.
- Insight into competitors
- Learning forum for employee growth (especially tutorials, short courses)
- Opportunity to influence future industry directions/standards. — buys us a “seat at the table,” helps steer research (e.g., SRC), fosters partnerships.
- Opportunity to nominate company speakers for keynotes, invited papers, etc.
- Establishes credibility with existing and new customers.
- Helps identify, and project a positive image of the company to, potential new hires.
- Early access to information (from paper review)
Additional Positives for People:
- Recognition
- Networking
- Learning forum for employee growth (especially tutorials, short courses)
− fewer interruptions, exposure to ancillary areas - Engenders positive self-image, job satisfaction, motivation, engagement.
- “External/industry recognition and influence” is an attribute for promotion.
− TPC participation and publications help check this box.
With all these benefits of attending, it is hard to imagine a more productive way than spending a few days at BCICTS 2025.
Need more reasons to attend BCICTS 2025? Below are additional resources for your reference:
Read the article “Why Going to Engineering Conferences is Important”.
Sample Attendance Justification Email:
Use the sample email correspondence below as a starting point for putting together your own request for attendance. This sample letter aims to outline the value of attending BCICTS 2025.Dear <Manager>
I would like to attend BCICTS 2025 from October 12-15, 2025, in Scottsdale, Arizona. BCICTS brings together distinguished experts to present their latest results in bipolar, SiGe BiCMOS and compound semiconductor circuits, devices, and technology. There are no other events in the world where you can see leading edge bipolar/BiCMOS devices and technology 5G ICs, GaN HPAs, In THz PAs, optical CMOS/SiGe transceivers, GaN HEMT power devices, and advances in compact modeling all presented together. BCICTS includes presentations from submissions contributed worldwide on all aspects of these technologies. BCICTS 2025 will also feature the very latest results in RF/microwave, millimeter-wave, THz, analog mixed signal, and optoelectronic integrated circuits. As a complement to the technical program, the symposium includes numerous social events that allow participants to interact and network in a friendly, relaxed setting.
Networking with exhibitors will prove to be invaluable for me. I plan to visit three key exhibitors at the conference < insert three exhibitors> to help assist me with <, i.e., our current budget restructuring needs>.
Please visit ims-ieee.org for more details. After BCICTS, I would be happy to deliver a short presentation with a Q&A to share what I have learned with the team.
I am confident you will see this as a worthwhile investment. It is an opportunity for me to network with exhibitors, meet with keynote speakers and other presenters, attend valuable technical sessions, and gain specific industry knowledge. My attendance at this conference is a wise investment and will pay off in the months ahead.
BCICTS brings a long history of international gatherings where distinguished experts present their latest results in bipolar, SiGe BiCMOS, and compound semiconductor circuits, devices, and technology. Learn More
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